Risk Acknowledgment: I/WE acknowledge that participation in strenuous exercise including flexibility, cardiovascular, and muscular training offered by PRO FITNESS may cause catastrophic injury, paralysis, even death. I/WE have free consented for my/our child to participate with knowledge of risk.
Release of Liability: I/We hereby release PRO FITNESS, its executives, employers, staff, and instructors from any liability from injuries which my child may incur while participating in any activities at PRO FITNESS and understand that all medical costs and expenses which my child may incur as a result of injury or illness will be my/our responsibility.
Consent to Treatment: in the event of any injury I hereby give my consent for my child to be transported to the local hospital. I give my consent for my child to be treated at the site of his/her injury as medically necessary per the recommendation of medical professionals. My child does not have any conditions or allergies which have not been disclosed on the medical information contained in this form.